Buy Replica Louis Vuitton LV Onthego Handbags Crossbody & Shoulder Bags Tote Bags High Quality Customize Empreinte Cowhide Chains
Lv Vavin onthego cowhide shopping bag 🛍️ High-grade embossed embossing
The whole bag is a single shoulder crossbody bag with double logo suction buckle❥. Many Internet celebrities are carrying this on one shoulder and crossbody The bag looks simple, but looks very classy when paired with it! I am really fascinated by the appearance. Product Description: Monogram Empreinte leather combines silky smoothness and texture. The hook buckle pays tribute to the design of Louis Vuitton luggage, and it is paired with a chain shoulder strap for added contrast. Plenty of capacity packed into a compact form factor. Embossed soft grain cowhide and soft grain cowhide Soft grain cowhide trim Microfiber lining Internal patch pocket Size mini 25cm Complete gift box packaging🎁
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So cute
Everything is super, the quality is good, it came quickly
The cheap lv bag is cool. Recommend!
It’s come to me in about 20 days and all right
Very good product…. Recommend
The lv bag arrived in good condition, good quality product.