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1950¥White [LV Louis Vuitton Purchasing] Produced by overseas OEMs, overseas original order, original hardware and leather, free access to customs and counters, only for high-end customers, Papillon❗️The classic Papillon handbag series launches exquisite BB size Monogram Empreinte leather Decorated with eye-catching embossing, it matches the matching coin purse. The removable wide jacquard shoulder strap and Toron top handle allow for multiple carrying options! , Size: 20\/10\/10, only for high-end customers. The market is very confusing with various versions. There are not many good products. If you want high-quality products, come here. We only develop genuine products, not just buy imitations in the market. Then go for imitations, regular products from big manufacturers, quality guaranteed. Don’t compare prices between various versions, the hardware and leather materials are far different. Every detail is carefully made, stitched, and oiled, and the craftsmanship ensures that it meets the quality requirements of the counter. Actual photos as shown, exclusive channel.
$112.00 $147.00
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Brands: Louis Vuitton
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1950¥White [LV Louis Vuitton Purchasing] Produced by overseas OEMs, overseas original order, original hardware and leather, free access to customs and counters, only for high-end customers, Papillon❗️The classic Papillon handbag series launches exquisite BB size Monogram Empreinte leather Decorated with eye-catching embossing, it matches the matching coin purse. The removable wide jacquard shoulder strap and Toron top handle allow for multiple carrying options! , Size: 20\/10\/10, only for high-end customers. The market is very confusing with various versions. There are not many good products. If you want high-quality products, come here. We only develop genuine products, not just buy imitations in the market. Then go for imitations, regular products from big manufacturers, quality guaranteed. Don’t compare prices between various versions, the hardware and leather materials are far different. Every detail is carefully made, stitched, and oiled, and the craftsmanship ensures that it meets the quality requirements of the counter. Actual photos as shown, exclusive channel.
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