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P290 Original SURENE BB handbag M43777 M43776 M43775 Black Pink Bright Red The new Surene BB handbag launched by Louis Vuitton is made of Monogram canvas and grained calfskin, and is equipped with a gold sliding bag chain. Gold metal trim and eye-catching leather trim make it more neat and fashionable. Lightweight, practical, comfortable to carry, easy to match, ideal for fashionable and casual looks. 24.0x 17.0x 11.0cm
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P290 Original SURENE BB handbag M43777 M43776 M43775 Black Pink Bright Red The new Surene BB handbag launched by Louis Vuitton is made of Monogram canvas and grained calfskin, and is equipped with a gold sliding bag chain. Gold metal trim and eye-catching leather trim make it more neat and fashionable. Lightweight, practical, comfortable to carry, easy to match, ideal for fashionable and casual looks. 24.0x 17.0x 11.0cm
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