Louis Vuitton LV On My Side Fake
 Bags Handbags Black Canvas M59908

Louis Vuitton LV On My Side Fake Bags Handbags Black Canvas M59908

[Exclusive real shot M59908 black] This small On My Side handbag is made of crisp canvas to create a delicate structure, and then smooth leather is used to shape the upper edge of the bag and rolled handles. Monogram floral tufts add a classic feel to the sides, the detachable shoulder strap allows for a comfortable cross-body wear, and the outer pocket is convenient for accessing everything you need on the go. 25 x 20 x 12 cm (length x height x width) Y.880
$99.00 $137.00
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[Exclusive real shot M59908 black] This small On My Side handbag is made of crisp canvas to create a delicate structure, and then smooth leather is used to shape the upper edge of the bag and rolled handles. Monogram floral tufts add a classic feel to the sides, the detachable shoulder strap allows for a comfortable cross-body wear, and the outer pocket is convenient for accessing everything you need on the go. 25 x 20 x 12 cm (length x height x width) Y.880

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