Louis Vuitton Replica Bags Handbags Black Monogram Canvas Pochette Chains M80140
$133.00 $172.00
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[Exclusive real shot M80140]
This new Pochette Steamer handbag combines the classic shape of Lvjia’s traditional Monogram Eclipse canvas with unique iconic elements such as black metal chains. There is plenty of storage space for documents and laptops, while 6 card slots and a magnetic lock keep your items safe and secure. It is convenient to carry daily necessities when working or traveling, and is fashionable and stylish. Dimensions: 32 x 22 x 4CM z2021.650
This new Pochette Steamer handbag combines the classic shape of Lvjia’s traditional Monogram Eclipse canvas with unique iconic elements such as black metal chains. There is plenty of storage space for documents and laptops, while 6 card slots and a magnetic lock keep your items safe and secure. It is convenient to carry daily necessities when working or traveling, and is fashionable and stylish. Dimensions: 32 x 22 x 4CM z2021.650
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